I got this bag from lydc.com which is quite compact and kinda classy I guess. I think it was excellent choice because I didn't have any bags this particular size. The dress is also new and it's from chicnova.comwhile the sandals are really old ones allegedly from my mother or her mother..
aaand I've been dreaming about beach and sun and tan skin lately.. I seriously need real summer, until then I'm just gonna keep posting nifty summery photos on my facebook page ;)
Today's brand focus is on bodeoo.com. They're such a fun and refreshing store and it's not surprising I'm craving a pair of their crazy shades, their silver metallic skirt, this fringe crop top ohh and also how cool is that fashionista-vogueish-ish-ish-ish backpack? However the website is not too big, so you can easily look trough everything, but there are still so many unique pieces! Also, the cool thing is that they show you the items on small/medium/large models so you can see how the each size looks like.
Aaand since I've showed you only some of the accessories, you can check the rest of their clothing here.
hmm again wanting and craving more clothes. does this ever stop?