Hi everyone :) I hope you had an amazing Christmas and that you're ready for the 2017!! Today I have my everyday makeup/skincare favorites to show you. I will start with my favorite skincare product. Few weeks ago, I read that you should stop washing your face, I mean at least stop doing it 2 times a day, everyday. I still wash my face with a face cleanser ( i use Eveline pure control 3in1 ) from time to time, but when I don't, I always use this micellar water from Garnier which is awesome and affordable at the same time.
Poozdrav svima :) Nadam se da ste divno proveli Božić i da ste spremni za 2017.! Danas ću vam pokazati svoje trenutne dekorativne/preparativne favorite. Krenimo s mojim najdražim proizvodom za lice. Prije par tjedana sam pročitala na jednom blogu da bismo trebali prestati čistiti lice gelovima za umivanje lica, na svakodnevnoj bazi, jer to nije dobro za našu kožu te ju isušuje, a i sviđa mi se jer to znači jedan manje proizvod u mojoj daily rutini. I dalje ja čistim lice gelom za čišćenje ( koristim Evelinov pure control 3in1 ), samo ne svaki dan. Aaali, kad ne koristim gel, obavezno koristim ovu Garnierovu micelarnu vodu, koja je puno blaža od gelova za čišćenje, a ujutro se ponekad umijem i samo običnom vodom.
Elemis krema koja je bila u BeautyBox-u, ne znam točno koji mjesec, je najsavršenija krema ikad. Koristim ju samo za ruke jer imam malo pakiranje i ne želim da mi se potroši brzo. Bogata je, hidratizira, a miris je predivan, toliko je dobar da sam ju osjetila ispod rukavica u tramvaju punom ljudi.. Jedini je problem što je prilično skupa, a ja bi si radije kupila torbu ili cipele za te novce, u tom su mi slučaju dobre i essence kreme za ruke :D
Do you know that this was my first liquid foundation ever and that I bought it only few months ago? Yes, I started using foundation this year, being 19 years old and here I am, writting a beauty post on my blog haha. I always used only concealers on my face and didn't want to start using foundation. I guess I was postponing it as much as I could. Anyhow, I read a lot of great things about this foundation from Catrice and I truly love it, or at least I think I do since it's the first one I've ever tried. Well, it has great coverage; it's light, but covers what needs to be covered; awesome applicator - a little pump that is prefect for my RT makeup sponge that I use for applying this foundation. Catrice foundation, Real Techniques makeup sponge and Rimmel stay matte powder - my perfect face base combination.
Kupila sam ovaj tekući puder prije par mjeseci i koristim ga ever since. To je prvi tekući puder koji sam ikad kupila i super mi je. Odlično prekriva, ima kapaljku kao aplikator što mi je taman pogodno za Real Techniques spužvicu kojom ga nanosim. Prije nego sam ga kupila, čula sam samo pozitivne stvari od beauty bloggerica, a s obzirom da sam već bila veliki fan Catrice-ove tekuće kamuflaže, nisam sumnjala ni u Liquid Coverage. Sve u svemu, super tekući puder, super prekrivanje, sve super.
Essence make me brow which was probably inspired by Benefit gimme brow, but it is a lot cheaper. It's a truly great product that I put on my eyebrows to set them or I use it on its own when I'm too lazy to do my eyebrows as I usually do. I photographed it recently, but now I can't find it anywhere :( My routine really misses this little eyebrow gel.
Super stvar za obrve, ne znam što da više kažem. Nije lako pisati na engleskom i na hrvatskom jer imam osjećaj kao da se ponavljam i da sam već sve rekla. Uglavnom, stvarno je dobar te je odlična zamjena za Benefit gimme brow. Može se koristiti samostalno, ali kao i setiranje onoga čime ste popunili obrve. Izgubila sam ga nedavno i sad mi stvarno nedostaje kad se šminkam.
The best purchase of 2016, I got this bronzer for $1,40 ( there was some kind of a discount ) and I use it every single day. I use to be an extreme blush fan and now, I rarely use it. I apply this brozing powder with an Eco Tools blush brush to add some color to my face and I'm good to go. It works great as a bronzer, but not so much as a highlighter.
Najbolje potrošenih 10 kuna ikad haha. Kupila sam ovaj bronzer u dm-u ili kozmu preko ljeta jer sam tražila neki bronzer i ovaj sam na kraju nastavila koristiti. Koristim ga već par mjeseci i izgleda kao da sam ga tek kupila, trajat će jaaako dugo. Super je i stvarno lagan za nadograđivanje.
Poozdrav svima :) Nadam se da ste divno proveli Božić i da ste spremni za 2017.! Danas ću vam pokazati svoje trenutne dekorativne/preparativne favorite. Krenimo s mojim najdražim proizvodom za lice. Prije par tjedana sam pročitala na jednom blogu da bismo trebali prestati čistiti lice gelovima za umivanje lica, na svakodnevnoj bazi, jer to nije dobro za našu kožu te ju isušuje, a i sviđa mi se jer to znači jedan manje proizvod u mojoj daily rutini. I dalje ja čistim lice gelom za čišćenje ( koristim Evelinov pure control 3in1 ), samo ne svaki dan. Aaali, kad ne koristim gel, obavezno koristim ovu Garnierovu micelarnu vodu, koja je puno blaža od gelova za čišćenje, a ujutro se ponekad umijem i samo običnom vodom.
I wrote that I'll be showing you makeup/skincare and then I added two perfumes. These are from Zara and they're both so good! I don't really know how to explain you a particular fragrance, but I can say the the Red Vanilla one smells like vanilla and it's quite sweet, while the other one is a little bit more musky but not too much? Is that word? You should try them out and see for yourself.
Ipak sam dodala i ove parfeme iako ne spadaju u dekorativu niti preparativu ili spadaju? Iskreno, ne znam, ispravite me. Kakogod, ovi su iz Zare i odlični su! Ne znam baš opisati mirise, zna li itko uopće, ali mogu vam reći da Red Vanilla ima miris po vaniliji, kakvo otkriće, zaista čudno haha te je prilično slatkasti, a ovaj drugi je više mošusni, ali ne previše, dobar je stvarno i ima jako zanimljiv miris, čak i pomalo oštar. Trebate ga, odnosno ih, sami probati, definitivno.
Aaah, don't even let me start on this one. I got this Elemis cream in BeautyBox monthly subscription and it is the most perfect cream ever. I use it only for my hands since I've gotten the smaller size and I don't want to use it all up. It is perfectly rich, moisturuzing, smells perfectly, it's perfect what can I say. But of course, the original size costs a fortune, so I'll stick to my 3$ hand creams and try to make this one last forever haha.Elemis krema koja je bila u BeautyBox-u, ne znam točno koji mjesec, je najsavršenija krema ikad. Koristim ju samo za ruke jer imam malo pakiranje i ne želim da mi se potroši brzo. Bogata je, hidratizira, a miris je predivan, toliko je dobar da sam ju osjetila ispod rukavica u tramvaju punom ljudi.. Jedini je problem što je prilično skupa, a ja bi si radije kupila torbu ili cipele za te novce, u tom su mi slučaju dobre i essence kreme za ruke :D
Do you know that this was my first liquid foundation ever and that I bought it only few months ago? Yes, I started using foundation this year, being 19 years old and here I am, writting a beauty post on my blog haha. I always used only concealers on my face and didn't want to start using foundation. I guess I was postponing it as much as I could. Anyhow, I read a lot of great things about this foundation from Catrice and I truly love it, or at least I think I do since it's the first one I've ever tried. Well, it has great coverage; it's light, but covers what needs to be covered; awesome applicator - a little pump that is prefect for my RT makeup sponge that I use for applying this foundation. Catrice foundation, Real Techniques makeup sponge and Rimmel stay matte powder - my perfect face base combination.
Kupila sam ovaj tekući puder prije par mjeseci i koristim ga ever since. To je prvi tekući puder koji sam ikad kupila i super mi je. Odlično prekriva, ima kapaljku kao aplikator što mi je taman pogodno za Real Techniques spužvicu kojom ga nanosim. Prije nego sam ga kupila, čula sam samo pozitivne stvari od beauty bloggerica, a s obzirom da sam već bila veliki fan Catrice-ove tekuće kamuflaže, nisam sumnjala ni u Liquid Coverage. Sve u svemu, super tekući puder, super prekrivanje, sve super.
Essence make me brow which was probably inspired by Benefit gimme brow, but it is a lot cheaper. It's a truly great product that I put on my eyebrows to set them or I use it on its own when I'm too lazy to do my eyebrows as I usually do. I photographed it recently, but now I can't find it anywhere :( My routine really misses this little eyebrow gel.
Super stvar za obrve, ne znam što da više kažem. Nije lako pisati na engleskom i na hrvatskom jer imam osjećaj kao da se ponavljam i da sam već sve rekla. Uglavnom, stvarno je dobar te je odlična zamjena za Benefit gimme brow. Može se koristiti samostalno, ali kao i setiranje onoga čime ste popunili obrve. Izgubila sam ga nedavno i sad mi stvarno nedostaje kad se šminkam.
The best purchase of 2016, I got this bronzer for $1,40 ( there was some kind of a discount ) and I use it every single day. I use to be an extreme blush fan and now, I rarely use it. I apply this brozing powder with an Eco Tools blush brush to add some color to my face and I'm good to go. It works great as a bronzer, but not so much as a highlighter.
Najbolje potrošenih 10 kuna ikad haha. Kupila sam ovaj bronzer u dm-u ili kozmu preko ljeta jer sam tražila neki bronzer i ovaj sam na kraju nastavila koristiti. Koristim ga već par mjeseci i izgleda kao da sam ga tek kupila, trajat će jaaako dugo. Super je i stvarno lagan za nadograđivanje.
This was on my wishlist for such a long time and I finally got it. This Makeup Revolution Golden Sugar palette is from Pink Panda online store. It has perfect highlighting shades and I honestly can't decide which one is my favorite so I usually mix them all up because I want them all on my face haha. Jk, I usually choose between those first 4 shades on the left. The other 3 are awesome when I get more tan and the last one is also a great bronzing color.
That's it for this post, if you have any questions about one of the products I mentioned, ask in the comments and I will be more than happy to answer you. Enjoy and have a great New Year's Eve :D
Zadnja stvar je ova predivna Makeup Revolution Golden Sugar paleta s Pink Pande. Ovo su odlične nijanse highlightera te je super to što ih ima toliko puno te se mogu miješati, što je obično radim jer se ne mogu odlučiti koji da stavim, ali i možete svaki dan drugim sjajiti haha. Najbolja paleta ikad, a čak je i nijansa bronzera dobra! Stvarno, stvarno se isplati!
To je sve za danas i ako imate bilo kakvo pitanje o nekom od ovih proizvoda, slobodno pitajte :) Uživajte i lijepo se provedite u Novogodišnjoj noći, pooozdraaav ;D
Od svega ovoga sam koristila samo garnier micelarnu vodu. Ja najcesce lice umivam samo vodom. Ali nekada koristim balein gel za umivanje i on mi je super, ali isusuje. Tako da ga ne koristim cesto :)
ReplyDeleteSuper ti je post :)
MMara moj blog
Eee dada :) Hvala ti puno!
Deletelovely makeup!
ReplyDeletelu | Coco&Louis
I'm glad you like it!
DeleteI am yet to try Zara fragrances but I love vanilla!
ReplyDeleteAleeha xXx
You should definitely try them! They have so many wonderful ones :))
DeleteSuch pretty makeup!
ReplyDeleteI love your blog header <3
ReplyDeletewould you like to follow each other?
Giveaway on my blog Christmas is still here
Follow me on Google Plus
Ooo thaanks, that's a lovely compliment!
DeleteMicelarna voda i Zara parfemi - moji favoriti takodje definitivno! odlican post <3
Super su, jeel da?:) Hvalaa ti!
DeleteNice products! I really like the palette!
ReplyDeleteLove, Janine
i know this zara perfum:D they ara amazing:) follow;) now waiting for U:)
ReplyDeleteNice favorites! Thanks for sharing!
I've used that Garnier product it is indeed amazing. Happy New Year dear.
All these products look great! I just tried the cleansing water and was so impressed.
I really like those Zara perfumes, really beautiful fregrances ;)
ReplyDeletewould you like to follow each other on GFC ?
Let me know on my blog, and ill follow you back ;)
Greetings and have a Happy New Year ;)
Great blog.
Following you on GFC,hope to follow back.
Red Vanilla is heaven :)
Nice products! I like the eyeshadow colors. I also want to try these pink colors ! :)
ReplyDeleteOdlične stvari, svi jako hvale ovu garnier miceralnu vodu i catrice puder tako da će se morati naći i u mojoj kolekciji. Lijepo si predstavila proizvode, i poslije ovog posta neki su me više privukli.
ReplyDeleteAko želiš zaprati me, uzvratit ću http://prvipostadress.blogspot.ba/
lots of great products!
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year ;*
Happy New Year! Can't go wrong with Zara.
Love these! I seriously cannot live without my garner micellar cleansing water
ReplyDeleteEnclothed Cognition
great stuffs I like Garnier products too :)
ReplyDeletehave an happy 2017!! :))
nice facial makeup remover
ReplyDeletewelcome to 2017.... I also loved saying good bye to 2016
Latest on http://www.melodyjacob.com/
Great favourites hun! i definitely agree about Garnier's Micellar Waller, it's so good! xx
These are great products! I love the Micellar Cleansing water!
Odličan izbor ;)
Imamo iste favorite što se tiče pudera i bronzera :) a ovo za obrve ću morati probati! Sve najbolje u 2017.-oj, keep up the good work ;)
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